Student Loan View

Student Loan View
Student Loan View

36 x 18 x 1.5″
acrylic on canvas
released: 3/15/2016
price: $500

An interpretation:
The tenant who graduated years ago drags his overpriced college texts in a rubbish bin.  He was able to sell back a few at half price, with some effort.  He totes a heavy student loan as well.  He’s clearing space for a new guest futon he’s been saving up for.  His job is unrelated to his degree and opportunities seem sparse.  He looks away from the grand summer house with some bitterness.  Only occupied a few times a year, the inherited summer house is a constant reminder of waste, misplaced entitlement, and mired dreams. It denies access and blocks the view with tall fencing and planted trees.  From the duplex window, it appears that the treasures of the world are the exclusive property of some fool on a hill.  A dehydrated tortoise circles the fence around a public pond in the background.  From his perspective, success could be just around the corner.

Original Nature Paintings